Frequently asked questions

How will you receive your subscription ?
After payment ( we use stripe as payment mathod "100% secure" ), You'll receive your subscription details via WhatsApp and email as soon as possible ( usually after 10 mins ).
Payment Methods
We use stripe a payment method ( PayPal, Visa/MasterCard, BTC ).
Ethernet or Wi-Fi?
We regularly suggest ethernet connections (device hardware) for optimal resolution.
What types of devices are supported?
Various devices are supported by us, including Smart TV, Kodi, VLC, PC, Vu+, DreamBox, Enigma, Android Boxes, Android Smart Phones, and Max.
Are major sports TV channels available?
Absolutely, our service provides access to major sports TV channels, ensuring you won't miss any of the action.
How long does it take for orders to proceed?
We usually process orders manually (because of security purposes). We will send your order details to your provided whatsapp and email between 5 minutes to 15 mins. Please contact us if you haven’t received your order after 15 mins.

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